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武清 副教授

2025年02月22日 16:02  点击:[]

武清,女,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。主持国家自然科学基金、陕西省自然科学基础研究计划、陕西省高校科协青年人才托举计划、校企联合关于“M55J、BH60J、BH40X碳纤维及国产玄武岩纤维”预研项目等,参与国家重点基础研究发展计划(国家973)、国家安全重大基础研究计划(国防973)、国家自然科学基金等项目。以第一和通讯作者在Composites Part B: Engineering, Composites Science and Technology, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Composites Communications, Composites Structures等复合材料领域国际权威期刊上发表学术论文40余篇,担任Polymers客座编辑,Advanced Materials, Composites Part B: Engineering, Composites Science and Technology, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Composites Communications, Carbon, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces等20余种国际期刊审稿人,以第一发明人授权国家发明专利10余件,获省部级奖励3项,指导学生获国家/省级大学生创新创业大赛奖项3项。




1. 高性能纤维表面改性及其树脂基复合材料界面结构调控与性能优化研究;

2. 碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料回收再利用;

3. 纳米仿生复合材料的界面设计及强韧性研究;

4. 有机质和石质文物保护材料、劣化机制及加固技术研究。


2005.09-2009.06, 郑州大学,高分子材料与科学,工学学士







1. Q. Wu*, H. Deng, Y.T. Li, A.J. Gao, B.L. Xiao, R.J. Yao, J.F. Zhu, Synergistic interfacial effects of sizing agent containing gradient curing agent and pre-heating treated carbon fibers, Compos. Sci. Technol. 2024, 247, 110415. (中科院1区,IF=9.1)

2. Q. Wu*, B.L. Xiao, Q.L. Liu, H. Deng, Z.Y. Ye, Y.T. Li, R.J. Yao, J.F. Zhu, New strategy for enhancing interfacial adhesion between carbon fiber and epoxy by using mussel-inspired polydopamine-Fe complex nanospheres, Compos. Part B-Eng. 2023, 266, 111032. (中科院1区,IF=13.1)

3. Q. Wu*, H.H. Bai, Z.Y. Ye, H. Deng, B.L. Xiao, D.Q. Yi, J.F. Zhu, Design of an alternating distributed large and small amounts of CNT/polyether amine coating on carbon fiber to derive enhancement in interfacial adhesion, Compos. Sci. Technol. 2023, 232, 109855. (中科院1区,IF=9.1)

4. Q. Wu*, Z.Y. Ye, H. Deng, B.L. Xiao, J.F. Zhu, Construction of mussel-inspired “inorganic-organic” hybrids onto a cylindrical carbon fiber via green and rapid manufacturing toward enhanced interfacial adhesion of composites, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2023, 11, 3907-3916. (中科院1区,IF=8.4)

5. Q. Wu*, H.H. Bai, H. Deng, Z.Y. Ye, Q.Y. Wang, J.F. Zhu, Intermittent carbon nanotube encapsulation of carbon fiber: A facile and efficient strategy to simultaneously strengthen and toughen interphase of composites, Compos. Part B-Eng. 2022, 235, 109785. (中科院1区,IF=13.1)

6. Q. Wu*, H.H. Bai, R.Y. Zhao, Z.Y. Ye, H. Deng, B.L. Xiao, J.F. Zhu, Amine-caged ZrO2@GO multilayer core-shell hybrids in epoxy matrix for enhancing interfacial adhesion of carbon fiber composites, Compos. Part B-Eng. 2022, 245, 110207. (中科院1区,IF=13.1)

7. Q. Wu*, H. Deng, H.H. Bai, Z.Y. Ye, X.L. Chen, J.F. Zhu, Facile and eco-friendly functionalization of basalt fiber with polyelectrolyte complex toward excellent interfacial adhesion of epoxy composites, Compos. Part A-Appl. S. 2022, 156, 106889. (中科院1区,IF=8.7)

8. Q. Wu*, H.H. Bai, X. Yang, J.F. Zhu, Significantly increasing the interfacial adhesion of carbon fiber composites via constructing a synergistic hydrogen bonding network by vacuum filtration, Compos. Part B-Eng. 2021, 225, 109300. (中科院1区,IF=13.1)

9. Q. Wu*, Q.Q. Wan, X. Yang, F. Wang*, H.H. Bai, J.F. Zhu, Remarkably improved interfacial adhesion of pitch-based carbon fiber composites by constructing a synergistic hybrid network at interphase, Compos. Sci. Technol. 2021, 205, 108648. (中科院1区,IF=9.1)

10. Q. Wu*, X. Yang, Q.Q. Wan, R.Y. Zhao, J.Q. He, J.F. Zhu, Layer-by-layer assembled nacre-like polyether amine/GO hierarchical structure on carbon fiber surface toward composites with excellent interfacial strength and toughness, Compos. Sci. Technol. 2020, 198, 108296. (中科院1区,IF=9.1)




1. 中华人民共和国教育部高等学校技术发明类二等奖(排名6)

2. 陕西省科学技术二等奖(排名7)

3. 陕西高等学校科学技术一等奖(排名7)

4. 第三届“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛国家级银奖(指导教师)

5. 第五届“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛陕西省银奖(指导教师)

6. 第十一届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛陕西省二等奖(指导教师)

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