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曹晓雨 副教授

2025年02月22日 15:57  点击:[]

曹晓雨,女,陕西渭南人,副教授,硕士生导师。2016年于西北工业大学材料学院博士毕业,2017年以“高水平博士”选聘入陕西科技大学材料科学与工程学院。作为项目负责人先后承担国家级和省部级项目共4项,并参与国家级项目2项。近年来在《Carbon》,《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》,《Ceramics International》等国内外学术期刊上发表SCI和EI收录论文10余篇,申请国家发明专利2项,指导大学生创新创业项目1项。目前担任《材料导报》和《Applied Composite Materials》等期刊审稿人。




2005年-2009年 长春理工大学 工学学士

2009年-2016年 西北工业大学 工学博士 (硕博连读)


2017年-至今 陕西科技大学 材料科学与工程学院,副教授












(1)Xiaoyu Cao*, Yisheng Li, Zehua Zhang, et al, Effect of Ni content on mechanical property and oxidation resistance of porous TiB2-TiC ceramics fabricated by pressureless sintering, Ceramics International, 2025 (中科院1区)

(2)Miaomiao Ma, Xiaoyu Cao*, Keyuan Xu, et al, Engineering a superhydrophilic TiC/C absorber with multiscale pore network for stable and efficient solar evaporation of high-salinity brine, Materials Today Energy, 2022 (中科院2区)

(3)Jinbu Su, Boli Wang, Xiaoyu Cao*, et al, Simultaneously enhancing mechanical and microwave absorption properties of Cf/SiC composites via SiC nanowires additions, Ceramics International, 2022 (中科院1区)

(4)Xiaoyu Cao*, Boli Wang, Xiaokang Ma, et al, Oxidation behavior of melt-infiltrated SiC-TiB2 ceramic composites at 500-1300°C in air, Ceramics International, 2021 (中科院1区)

(5)Xiaoyu Cao*, Miaomiao Ma, Xiaokang Ma, et al, Microstructures and mechanical properties of in-situ SiC-TiB2 ceramic composites fabricated by reactive melt infiltration, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020 (中科院2区)

(6)Xiaoyu Cao, Xiaowei Yin*, Xiaokang Ma, et al, The microstructure and properties of SiC/SiC-based composites fabricated by low-temperature melt infiltration of Al–Si alloy, Ceramics International, 2016 (中科院1区)

(7)Xiaoyu Cao, Xiaowei Yin*, Xiaokang Ma, et al, Oxidation behavior of SiBC matrix modified C/SiC composites with different PyC interphase thicknesses, Ceramics International, 2015 (中科院1区)

(8)Xiaoyu Cao, Xiaowei Yin*, Xiaomeng Fan, et al, Effect of PyC interphase thickness on mechanical behaviors of SiBC matrix modified C/SiC composites fabricated by reactive melt infiltration, Carbon, 2014 (中科院Top1区)

(9)Xiaoyu Cao, Xiaowei Yin*, Xiaomeng Fan, et al, High-temperature flexural properties of SiBC modified C/SiC composites, Ceramics International, 2014 (中科院1区)

(10)Xiaokang Ma, Xiaowei Yin, Xiaomeng Fan, Xiaoyu Cao, et al, Improved tensile strength and toughness of dense C/SiC-SiBC with tailored PyC interphase, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2019 (中科院1区)

(11)Xiaomeng Fan; Xiaowei Yin; Xiaoyu Cao, et al, Improvement of the mechanical and thermophysical properties of C/SiC composites fabricated by liquid silicon infiltration, Composites Science and Technology, 2015 (中科院1区)

(12)曹晓雨; 张景景; 王博力; 马苗苗. 一种碳纤维表面原位自生弥散分布碳化物晶须及制备方法, 2022, 中国, CN202110515786.0 (授权专利)

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