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葛万银 教授

2025年02月22日 16:18  点击:[]

葛万银,男,博士(后),教授,博士研究生导师。2005年中科院上海硅酸盐研究所硕士毕业。2009年获日本国立Kyoto Institute of Technology大学博士学位。从2009-2016年,先后担任日本京都大学理学院博士后GCOE(Global Chief Of Executive),日本九州大学先导物质化学研究所研究员,日本京都大学化学研究所特任研究员(兼任丰田公司的产官学联研究员),美国University of Oklahoma研究员。2016年全职回国工作,组建智能材料与微纳传感器件团队。2008年获中国教育部留学基金委“国家优秀自费留学生奖学金”。 2017年入选陕西省第九批人才计划。

日本物理学会会员,日本粉末冶金学会会员,日本纳米学会会员,江西省、黑龙江、陕西省等省级科技项目评审专家,《Advanced Materials》,《Advanced Optical Materials》等多种专业期刊审稿人。先后在《ACS Nano》,《Nanoscale》,《Advanced Optical Materials》,《ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces》等研究领域一流期刊发表学术论文90余篇,已获授权国家发明专利17件,出版《粉末X射线衍射基础以及GSAS精修进阶》教材一部。在国外11年间,先后参与和执行日本文部省的基础研究,日本文部省的先端研究助成基金,日本国家大型“元素战略”项目等。目前主要研究方向瞄准高性能新型纳米传感器件,包括气敏器件,非接触型温度传感,柔性应力传感(电子皮肤)等。








2005.10–2009.09,日本国立Kyoto Institute of technology,材料与生命科学,博士














(2)陕西省自然科学基金面上项目, (2020-2021),主持

(3)陕西省人才项目, 2017年,主持



(6) 中科院国家重点实验室开放课题(2022-2023),主持



[1]. Wanyin Ge*, Panfeng Zhang, et al., Amorphous Alumina: A Bright Red Matrix for Flexible and Transparent Anti-counterfeiting, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 9 (30), 10220, 2021

[2]. Jindou Shi,Wanyin Ge*,Ye Tian, et al., Enhanced Stability of All-Inorganic Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes by a Facile Liquid Annealing Strategy, Small, 17, 2006568, 2021

[3]. Jindou Shi,Wanyin Ge*, Wenxing Gao, et al., Enhanced thermal stability of halide perovskite CsPbX3 nanocrystals by a facile TPU encapsulation, Advanced Optical Materials, 8 (4), 1901516, 2020.

[4]. Wenxing Gao, Wanyin Ge*, Jindou Shi, Ye Tian, et al., Stretchable, flexible, and transparent SrAl2O4:Eu2+@TPU ultraviolet stimulated anti-counterfeiting film, Chemical Engineering Journal, 405, 126949, 2021

[5]. Wanyin Ge, Kenji Kawahara, Hiroki Ago, Masaharu Tsuji. Large-scale synthesis of NbS2 nanosheets with controlled orientation on graphene by ambient pressure CVD [J]. Nanoscale, 2013, 5(13), 5773-5778. (selected as backcover).

[6]. Wanyin Ge, Ryota Sato, Hsin-Lun Wu and Toshiharu Teranishi. Simple Surfactant Concentration-Dependent Shape Control of Polyhedral Fe3O4 Nanoparticles and Their Magnetic Properties [J]. ChemPhysChem, 2015, 16, 3200-3205.

[7]. Jian Zhen Ou,Wanyin Ge, Benjamin Carey, et al., Physisorption Based Charge Transfer in Two-Dimensional SnS2 for Selective and Reversible NO2 Gas Sensing [J]. ACS Nano, 2015, 9 (10), 10313-10323.

[8]. Wanyin Ge*, Meimei Xu, Jindou Shi, et al., Highly temperature-sensitive and blue upconversion luminescence properties of Bi2Ti2O7:Tm3+/Yb3+ nanofibers by electrospinning, Chemical Engineering Journal, 123546, 2019.

[9]. Wanyin Ge*, Siyi Jiao, Zhe Chang, et al., Ultrafast response and high selectivity toward acetone using two-dimensional hexagonal TiO2 hierarchical structure, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12(11), 13200-13207, 2020

[10]. Wanyin Ge*, Jindou Shi, Meimei Xu, et al., Red upconversion luminescence (UCL) properties in one-dimensional Yb2Ti2O7:Er nanowires via an electrospinning route, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 788, 993-999(2019).

[11]. Wanyin Ge*, Zhe Chang, Awais Siddique, et al., Large-area fabrication of TiN thin films with photothermal effect via PECVD, Ceramics International, 46 (6), 7355-7361, 2020

[12]. Wanyin Ge, Wenliang Zhu, Yanxue Tang, and Giuseppe Pezzotti, Quantitative evaluation of local domain patterns in [110] poled Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.35PbTiO3 single-crystal using a polarized Raman microprobe, Applied Physics Letters, 94(11), 112905-3, 2009

[13]. Wanyin Ge, Wenliang Zhu, Masayuki Higashino, Yongxiang Li, Zhiguo Yi, Giuseppe Pezzotti, Spectrally resolved microprobe cathodoluminescence of intergrowth Bi5-xLaxTiNbWO15 ferroelectrics, Journal of Applied Physics, 102, 076106, 2007


[1]葛万银;铋基纳米纤维的上转换发光以及表面温度传感, 2019全国光电子,光子材料与器件学术会议,重庆, 2019-12-13至2019-12-15.特邀报告

[2]葛万银;第十四届全国气湿敏传感技术学术交流会(GSC-2019),上海, 2019-11-22至2019-11-25.


[1] 2008年获中国教育部留学基金委“国家优秀自费留学生奖学金”

[2] 2017年入选陕西省第九批人才计划。

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